Offering local high school students aviation scholarships since 2014.
Located in Williamsburg, VA
Chuck Coltrin
My interest in aviation started at a young age, while occasionally I got the opportunity to accompany my father to his reserve squadron meetings at NAS Willow Grove PA. This not only gave me a front row view to the “glamour” of piloting military jets but all that entailed flying in a military squadron. From hanging out in the maintenance office, the bustling flight line, even the smell of jet fuel and exhaust, what I found most fascinating was the ongoing maintenance in the hangars where I was able to observe aircraft in mid-assembly and repair. I specifically recall the amount of teamwork required, actual flying was only a small part. Who woulda thunk?!?
In 1988 I enlisted in the US Navy and worked as an Avionics Technician while aboard the USS Dwight D Eisenhower. If you think naval aviation is cool in the movies you should see it close up! While in the Navy I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from Embry-Riddle University and that paired with my military training prepared me for a path in aviation maintenance.
After the military, I started travelling all over the US and overseas working as an avionics technician in a variety of maintenance facilities which included production & assembly, modifications and flight line maintenance for military, commercial and corporate sectors on both airplanes and helicopters.
I later obtained a private pilot’s license flying helicopters and also my FAA Airframe & Powerplant license. Since then I’ve held positions not just “wrenching” on aircraft but also in maintenance planning & scheduling and logistics/ parts procurement. I finally settled workwise here in Hampton Roads Virginia the last 4 years working as a mechanic on US Army aircraft at Ft. Eustis.
I love all things aviation and through volunteering with the Williamsburg Aviation Scholarship Program feel I can share the many career opportunities available in the aviation industry.